We just released a new 5 song limited edition EP Humpapörriäinen that is available from the concerts for 8€ (if the stock lasts). You can also order this from Nordic Notes web shop. In Finland the EP is available after the tour only from Tehtaanmyymälä and Jokisen Valinta (if the stock lasts).
The mailing of EP starts after the tour 15.10. (From Nordic Notes web store even earlier) and in Germany the EP is also available from good record stores from 20.10.
On the tour we celebrate specially our accordionist virtuoso Lassi Kinnunen who have played with us 20 years this autumn. Our graphic artist and merchandise guy Pekka is celebrating his 20-years with us with special offers and special bargain hand printed stuff. So see you in concerts.
The Tour:
- 3.10.2014
Hamburg, Markthalle, BUY TICKETS
- 4.10.2014
Amsterdam, Paradiso, BUY TICKETS
- 5.10.2014
Tilburg, Little Devil
- 6.10.2014
- 7.10.2014
Gütersloh, Die Weberei BUY TICKETS
- 8.10.2014
Essen, Zeche Carl BUY TICKETS
- 9.10.2014
Trier, Exhaus, BUY TICKETS
- 10.10.2014
Karlsruhe, Substage, BUY TICKETS
- 11.10.2014
Wiesbaden, Schlachthof, BUY TICKETS, Facebook event
Humppa shop spams
Our web shop is on tour and will reply to your orders next time 14.10. so please be patient.