Humphony of destruction! In March we play two special gigs with Kuopio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ensio Hienonen.
Pre party at Malja, Kuopio on thursday 20.3. starting 17 PM
Kuopio Music Centre, Kuopio, Finland
Perjantai 21.03.2014 klo 19:00
tickets: Lippupiste & also from Music Centre ticket office
Culture house (Kulttuuritalo), Helsinki, Finland
Lauantai 22.03.2014 klo 19:00
tickets: Lippupalvelu
Humpfonia! gigs are the only ones in Finland during the spring season but do not forget our spring tour.
- 4.4.2014
Berlin, Astra BUY TICKET
- 5.4.2014
Hannover, Faust BUY TICKET
- 6.4.2014
Bochum, BH Langendreer BUY TICKET
- 7.4.2014
Köln, Underground, BUY TICKET
- 8.4.2014
Haarlem, Patronaat BUY TICKET
- 9.4.2014
Aachen, Musikbunker BUY TICKET
- 10.4.2014
Frankfurt, Das Bett BUY TICKET
- 11.4.2014
Erlangen, E-Werk BUY TICKET
- 12.4.2014
München, Backstage BUY TICKET
- 13.4.2014 A, Wien, Szene BUY TICKET
- 14.4.2014
Budapest, Müzi
- 15.4.2014
Wroclaw, Alibi BUY TICKET
- 16.4.2014
Leipzig, Moritsbastei BUY TICKET
- 17.4.2014
Annaberg-Buchholz, Alte Brauerei BUY TICKET
- 18.4.2014
Plzn, Pod Lampou BUY TICKET
- 19.4.2014 DE , Jena, F-haus BUY TICKET
Calendar picture for January 2014 is dedicated to Arnhelm Lux who made our own cactus hybrids and the Botania botanical garden in our hometown Joensuu where you can see them. And get a free postcard like the picture as long as the stock lasts. Download calendar files from here.
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