Humppabingo game

While waiting for the next humppa shows you can play Humppabingo (pdf file 1,2 MB) by yourself or with your friends if you happen to have some. Just download the file, cut, fold and glue the humppabingo cube, make some coffee or tea, bake a cake and play.



  1. sepp 27.01.2010 klo 00:46:


    very good stuff and the best is that I can play it alone! (I don’t have friends)

    Pekka has always great ideas!!! (do you want to become a friend?)

    Now I’m missing some glue to complete the cubic construction… Maybe I have to go to the shop tomorrow and buy some. But my bones are so old and hurt…

    Sepp (eläkeläiset)


  2. Pekka Jokinen 27.01.2010 klo 00:55:

    You can just cut the pieces out like cards and play with them:)

  3. Sepp 27.01.2010 klo 11:01:

    So you don’t want to be my friend?

    I’ve some coffee and a cake and soon some glue!

  4. Sepp 08.02.2010 klo 19:45:

    I had some coffee and a cake here today, so I decided to drink some coffee and eat some cake and to use the glue to glue some awesome stuffz together.
    After I finished that I also agglutinated Pekkas handicrafts.:D
    Pekka have a look here:

    I would not be surprised if you want to be my friend now.


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